Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

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Moderatoren: Bulletrider, Kopremesis

Zocker - Legende
Zocker - Legende
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Re: Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

Beitrag von Motu »

Wicket hat geschrieben: Do 4. Nov 2021, 19:22 :laughing:

Also davon abgesehen dass WATA doof ist, zu viel kostet und obendrein offensichtlich in kriminelle Geschäfte mit Heritage Auctions verwickelt ist, machen die auch noch einen verdammt schlampigen Job: Falsche Daten auf dem offiziellen Grading, verkratzte, innere Hüllen, aber was mich echt gekillt hat ist "Herr Ober! Ich habe da ein Haar in meinem gegradeten NES Spiel!".

Aber anscheinend kommen die ja echt damit weg. Die Story um den großen Betrug hat nicht wirklich die Runde gemacht, oder?
Nein man hat kaum was mitbekommen. Erst als ich hier davon gelesen habe wusste ich auch erst davon.
Ich hätte neben Chris Hülsbeck sitzen können.......
Oldschool Zocker
Oldschool Zocker
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Registriert: Di 1. Dez 2020, 13:27

Re: Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

Beitrag von markus1983 »

Habe gerade ein Video gesehen, wo behauptet wird, dass es eine Möglichkeit gab bei Mario 64 mit Luigi zu spielen bzw wie man ihn findet.

Hacker und Modder kamen an die Dateien von NINTENDO und dort war zu sehen, dass man es plante.

Doch der Speicher spielte damals leider nicht mit.

Wer hat schon davon gehört bzw selber probiert?
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
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Re: Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

Beitrag von Kopremesis »

Wie wäre es denn, wenn du mal einen Link zu besagtem Video posten würdest?
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
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Registriert: Mi 9. Aug 2006, 10:12

Re: Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

Beitrag von Wicket »

Ich dachte eigentlich das Thema sei beendet. WATA haben mit unlauteren Methoden viel Geld gemacht, der Skandal ist aufgeflogen, aber das hat dann kaum einer mitbekommen.
Der Schaden den die damit angerichtet haben ist unmöglich zu beziffern. Bis in alle Ewigkeit wird es heißen "Mario Bros ist 2 Millionen wert".

Aber anscheinend steht die Firma wieder vor Gericht. Ich habe hier einen brandaktuellen Artikel zu dem Thema (13.5.22).
Leider stehen da keine wirklich neuen Infos. Es ist alles ziemlich genau so wie wir schon letztes Jahr zusammengefasst haben, aber anscheinend geht es den Verantwortlichen jetzt doch noch an den Kragen.
Game grading company Wata accused of manipulating retro game market in new lawsuit and of "engaging in unfair business practices".

Game grading company Wata Games is the target of a new US class action lawsuit accusing it of unfair business practices and of manipulating the retro gaming market for its own gain.

As reported by VGC, the lawsuit was filed on 10th May in the Central District of California, representing class members (estimated to be as many as 10,000 individuals) who all paid for game grading and other services by Wata. It accuses Wata of "engaging in affirmative acts to manipulate the retro video game market" and of "engaging in unfair business practices", specifically pointing the figure at Wata president and CEO Deniz Kahn.

Kahn is accused of working with auction house Heritage Auctions co-founder Jim Halperin - a previous Wata investor and advisory board member - to manipulate the retro games market through promotional efforts and media interviews, in which the pair are said to have claimed that retro games prices would continue to rise.

Notably, Wata and Heritage Auctions have been connected to a string of eye-watering vintage game sales over the last few years. A pristine sealed copy of Super Mario 64 rated by Wata and auctioned by Heritage sold for $1.56m USD last July, and, just several weeks later, a copy of Super Mario Bros. handled by the two companies sold for a record-breaking $2 million.

Prior to Wata's entry into the market in 2018, as noted in the newly submitted court documents, the previous record was held by a copy of Super Mario Bros., which sold for around $30,000 in 2017. Just a year after Wata's founding, though, another copy of Super Mario Bros. - graded by Wata and sold by Heritage Auctions - sold for $100,150 USD. The lawsuit alleges it was actually Heritage Auctions' Jim Halperin, along with two other men, that bought the game.

The lawsuit also highlights that Wata and Heritage both benefit financially from grading and game sales, meaning they stand to benefit considerably from a rise in market prices. Wata, for instance, charges a percentage of a game's market value when grading it - it would stand to make over $20,000 USD from a game valued at $1m according to VGC - while Heritage charges a 20% buyer's premium, and takes 5% from the seller.

"Heritage Auctions benefitted by earning more commissions from sellers and buyers," the court documents claim. "Halperin benefitted from the value of his game increasing. Wata benefitted by the increased notoriety and increased demand for grading services.

"Also, the increased value of the games allowed Wata to charge even more for its grading services since prices were tied to values. Yet, the relationship between Wata and Heritage Auctions was still unknown to collectors.

"Meanwhile, video game collectors rushed to send in their own sealed games into Wata for grading, believing they could sell the games for profits as the market soared.

"Unbeknownst to collectors, Wata was massively bogged down by the rush. Still the company advertised false and overly optimistic turnaround times on its website. Customers were not notified of the delays in advance of their purchases. Wata continued accepting orders and payments from customers."

Elsewhere, the lawsuit also resurfaces allegations Wata employees have been selling Wata-graded games in breach of the company's own fraud and conflict of industry policies - an accusation levied at Wata chief advisor Mark Haspel last year. ... ew-lawsuit
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
nennt seine Kids Mario & Giana
Beiträge: 5667
Registriert: Mi 9. Aug 2006, 10:12

Re: Super Mario 64 für $1.5 Mio

Beitrag von Wicket »

Bitte gehen Sie weiter, es gibt hier nichts zu sehen!

(Alles genau so wie wir es vorhergesehen haben.)