Perfektes Musik Tool (mac) - super und gratis!

Musik, Musik, Musik (Keine Computerspielemucke!)

Moderatoren: Bulletrider, Kopremesis

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Beiträge: 16466
Registriert: Fr 30. Jun 2006, 06:46
Wohnort: wo die wilden Kerle wohnen

Perfektes Musik Tool (mac) - super und gratis!

Beitrag von Bulletrider »

Für alle MacUser (also Scarface, PocketMan und mich...):


Ein sehr geniales Tool zum konvertieren (von xyz in xyz Formate... flac, ogg, was weiss ich...) gibts bei der coolen Versiontracker Seite:

Max is an application for creating high-quality audio files in various formats, from compact discs or files.

When extracting audio from compact discs, Max offers the maximum in flexibility to ensure the true sound of your CD is faithfully extracted. For pristine discs, Max offers a high-speed ripper with no error correction. For damaged discs, Max can either use its built-in comparison ripper (for drives that cache audio) or the error-correcting power of cdparanoia.

Once the audio is extracted, Max can generate audio in over 20 compressed and uncompressed formats including MP3, Ogg (Vorbis), FLAC, AAC, Apple Lossless, Monkey's Audio, WavPack, Speex, AIFF, and WAVE.

If you would like to convert your audio from one format to another, Max can read and write audio files in over 20 compressed and uncompressed formats at almost all sample rates and and in most sample sizes. For many popular formats the artist and album metadata is transferred seamlessly between the old and new files ( ... /id/28353/).
